Our festivals and events

Kings Parade

Jan. 5.

This day, it celebrated every year, our neighbors organize and participate in a full popular cavalcade of gifts and costumes.



Una de nuestras fiestas más esperadas, en las que la “vaquilla” recorre el pueblo, lleno de gente disfrazada con divertidas máscaras y atuendos.

Holy Christ of Health

14 September.

The holidays are celebrated in honor of the Holy Christ of Health, along with the Cultural Week. The party is enlivened with music, folk dances and fireworks.

Cultural week

Second week of September.

Many cultural activities such as exhibitions, workshops, dance and theater performances and sporting events are organized.

Redueña Crafts Fair


Craft fair that takes several editions, with craft workshops, exhibitions and performances as live music and dance and parades.

St. lucia

December 13.

Feast of Saint Lucia, patron saint of Redueña. It is celebrated with religious acts of great devotion among the residents of our town, as well as a popular verbena and music.